Words are valuable. They clarify, explain, soothe, convince, emphasize, and engross. And while they can also be used for ill, they can also encourage wonder. My particular love affair with words evolved thanks to a number of incredible storytellers—beginning with a magic school bus, a wrinkle in time, and a girl detective with a blue convertible. Once I put my own proverbial pen to paper I knew I could never stop writing.
On most days I write about history and how it intersects with the world in which we live. But I am influenced by storytelling in all its forms, whether it be between the pages of a book, on television, or in the theatre. You never know when inspiration might strike.
Visit the Snapshot page for my very latest media and posts. Visit my research page to learn more about my current project.
Writer & Contributor
In addition to my own personal site, I am regular contributor to two sites as part of my job at the National Trust for Historic Preservation. I also write occasionally for FANgirl—a site focused on Star Wars, female fandom, and storytelling—as well as History@Work, the blog of the National Council on Public History. Here are a select set of recent stories.
…this is what comes next
The Public Historian
The Jungle at Shakespeare Theatre Company in 2024.
The Heart of the River & From the Stars to the Moon
The first two books in the Chhaya Children Quartet, a series of children’s books I am writing for my nieces and nephews.
To purchase The Heart of the River or From the Stars to the Moon visit www.theheartoftheriver.com
Additional Publications
Short Story: “The Dinner Party” Perspectives in History, American Historical Association (2021)
Article: “Historic Preservation & Inclusion” The Inclusive Public Historians Handbook (NCPH and AASLH), Author and Steering Committee Member (2017-present)
“Technology and Preservation: Documentation and Storytelling,” Handbook of Digital Public History (De Gruyter, Forthcoming).
Edible Denver: The Host that Fills Every Want (Also published on SavingPlaces.org)
National Trust for Historic Preservation: SavingPlaces.org
Guest Editor: Forum Journal: Technology Transforming Preservation (Volume 32, Number 1)
Past Affiliate Editor, History@Work