Multidisciplinary Storytelling
In 2017, as part of a what was initially a two month sabbatical from my work at the National Trust, I began a research project examining the world of storytelling. The goal: To gain a sense of best practices and tools that can help connect the public to the histories of all Americans. While the project is very much still in process, there is a re-visioning in progress.
Watch my presentation on “Multidisciplinary Storytelling in a Digital World” and read my November 2024 review essay in The Public Historian, “Moments of Connection: Theatre and History in Two Acts.”
Beyond the Written Word: Historical Storytelling in an Interdisciplinary World
My introductory post to my sabbatical project on Multidisciplinary Storytelling. In this post I lay out my initial goals and methodology, including the connections it has to my work at the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
One Foot in Front of the Other: Defining Terms
A closer look at the language of my sabbatical project. Interdisciplinary vs Multidisciplinary, what exactly I mean by media, and drilling down into my perspective regarding storytelling.
The Layered Past, Italian Style
This is what I know: In every age there is a dominant narrative that defines an era, a country, or a place. Those are the stories we know by heart, from school, or from our personal lives. As we scoop out that initial layer we see the people beyond the themes—often sorted into heroes and villains—before ever (if ever) venturing deeper. Those that do, recognize quickly that below that narrative there are infinitely more stories to tell.
Breaking it Down: Storytelling Case Studies
Credit: Priya Chhaya
Credit: Priya Chhaya
Kennedy Center: Earthrise
Sculpture by Preston Singletary.
Credit: Priya Chhaya
Credit: Priya Chhaya
Credit: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (photo by Jim Preston)
Page from Brene Bronw’s Atlas of the Heart.
Credit: Santanu Sen on Flickr via CC
Credit: National Air and Space Museum by Eric Long
Objects used as part of a storytelling workshop.